Concord Monitor forgoes #fitn endorsement

Unlike other local newspapers in the state, the Concord Monitor won’t endorse a candidate in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation 2020 presidential primary.

The state’s capital paper has historically spent months interviewing candidates one at a time before agonizing over an endorsement decision, but the Monitor — working with a notably smaller staff this year than it had in past cycles — has revised its priorities, editor Steve Leone wrote in an editorial Sunday.

“This was not an easy decision, but it was one guided by what we see as our central mission in our communities,” Leone wrote. “In a world where opinions increasingly come from all directions, our value, we believe, is in providing our readers with local journalism rooted in solid reporting.”

“Our decision is indicative of the changes happening across our industry,” he added. “With fewer resources, we’ve had to make some hard choices, both in coverage and philosophy.”

Leone went on to explain how the Monitor has sought to keep readers informed about the candidates’ ground game, without as many staffers available to trace the campaign trail.

Others endorse Klobuchar

The Monitor’s non-endorsement comes as other notable Granite State newspapers have come out in favor of Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s candidacy for the Democratic nomination.

New Hampshire Union Leader: ‘Amy Klobuchar can win’ (Jan. 26):

Trump doesn’t want to face her. He is hoping for Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg or Warren. Each has weaknesses, whether of age, inexperience or a far-left agenda that thrills some liberals but is ripe for exploitation in a mainstream general election.
Sen. Klobuchar has none of those weaknesses and the incumbent needs to be presented a challenger who is not easily dismissed.

Keene Sentinel: ‘Amy Klobuchar is the Democrats' best choice to move the nation forward’ (Jan. 27):

The senior senator from Minnesota and former county attorney’s platform is not based on revolutionary ideas, but on achievable ones. Klobuchar is, in that way, a true moderate in these times. Whip-smart and knowledgeable, she’s set on progress, but tempered by the political realities a new president would face.

Seacoast Media Group: ‘Amy Klobuchar can unite America’ (Jan. 31):

We believe Klobuchar’s moderate positions will be attractive to right-leaning independents and disaffected Republicans looking for an alternative to President Donald Trump. This will be an advantage in the general election. America needs a healing voice with a willingness to take a bipartisan approach on major issues.

Despite winning the approval of these newspaper editorial boards, Klobuchar’s performance in the polls suggests a first-place finish in New Hampshire’s primary is unlikely. Klobuchar has consistently polled behind four others: former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana.